
Miscellaneous Trusts & Funds

The Nebraska Investment Council is responsible for managing the investments for the Excess Liability Fund, the Aeronautics Trust Fund, and the Agricultural Development Fund. Each portfolio has its own asset allocation policy.

Excess Liability Fund

The Excess Liability Fund was created by the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act. Contributions consist of insurance premiums from certain health care providers and a surcharge levied on all healthcare providers in the State.  The funds are used to pay judgements against the insured health care providers.  The Nebraska Investment Council does not determine the distribution policy.

Excess Liability Asset Allocation

This Fund is invested exclusively in fixed income securities. The assets of the Excess Liability Fund are commingled with the fixed income assets of the General Endowment Funds.

Aeronautics Trust Fund

The Aeronautics Trust Fund receives the proceeds from the sale of state-owned airfields.  Investment income is used to pay expenses of the NDOT - Division of Aeronautics.  Uses of the funds include, in order of priority, operations of the State-owned Airfields, the Navigational Aids Division, and grants to eligible Nebraska airports.

Aeronautics Asset Allocation

Pursuant to contractual restrictions, these assets are invested in securities issued by the U.S. government and agency securities. The assets are not commingled with other entities.

Agricultural Development Fund

The Agricultural Development Fund consists of money received from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Income from the Fund is used to pay expenses of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.  The Nebraska Investment Council does not determine the distribution policy.

Agricultural Development Asset Allocation

Pursuant to contractual restrictions, these assets are invested in securities backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government only. The assets are not commingled with other entities.